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In Response to Sven2
You make some good points. We should not go overboard with alternate components unless there is concrete gameplay gain. So maybe we should avoid the different kinds of fur.

I still think multiple components are a net gain when the source components are fundamentally different somehow. Particularly in the case of "use snow or ice for loam":  Ice can be dug out and carried, while water needs a barrel. Using ice for loam is good because if you can find ice, you can create loam on a different production route in winter.

The case of sand for loam: It's probably expected because loam is mostly sand in real-life. It's also possible to have sand in the bucket because e.g. you happened to dig through sand when trying to fill it, but didn't think it would matter. Alternative solution: Change the bucket to create earth objects when you dig through sand or ashes. That solves the problem for the player without adding complexity.

So my suggestion: Allow the alternate components, but use them sparingly only if the source objects are actually very different.

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