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In Response to Zapper
I am with you and Sven here. I don't think things as different types of wood (like in Terraria) make any sense at this point. We can rethink that maybe in five years or so.

However, I still believe that by allowing alternatives at certain key points in production chains (e.g. cloth from cotton or fur) we can increase the replay value and problem-solving-freedom of OC. And it would actually be very similar to how we treat fuel at the moment: you can use coal, wood, moss - and probably more stuff.

The argument of simplicity could then also apply to the fuel - it would be simpler for the player if the only fuel was coal. And to burn wood or anything else, you'd first have to produce coal from it. This would obviously make the components simpler, following the KISS principle: you wouldn't have to explain what "fuel" is and the weird fire symbol would go away from the production menu.
I wouldn't say it's necessarily better for gameplay, though.

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