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Up Topic Discussion: Any ideas to reach the Screenshot folder easier?

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In Response to ala

There has been one discussion in the milestone which didn't produce a productive follow up, and no clear improvement could be thought of.

The "problem" is that new users of Openclonk don't know of the whereabouts of the location of the screenshot (records, log, player) folder, nor do they know that the quicklink "Benutzerpfad" will lead to it.

I'm absolutely fine with appdata, once you get to know it - the problem is that a lot of users did not know of it at the start, and as such the location was considered not newbiefriendly in the previous milestone discussions.

Now some suggested that instead of appdata, the files should be stored somewhere into "Eigene Dateien / My Documents" - but in my book that would be equally unclear.
Others suggested that you store everything in the clonk folder - bad idea either, I think a general folder makes a lot of sense with all those Clonk versions around (Snapshot, stable, if you are a developer also repository) - and would otherwise lead to a lot of copying around and confusion.
Now in the last discussion I brought up a button in the main menu leading to the data folder, but thats also bad since that would force Clonk to loose focus in fullscreen - that will probably annoy the users.

So as it stands we didn't come up with a solution. The only thing I could think of is postponing this discussion and feature a link or button in developer mode once we have established an editor like windmill (or another one, you never know).

Any ideas where to place hints to reach the folder easier?

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