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Up Topic Enhancing CreateParticleAtBone()

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In Response to Pyrit
I like to use CreateParticleAtBone(), because it is very useful for creating particles at on moving or animated meshes.

I have some suggestions on how to make it better, because I ran into a few problems:

1. The placing/offset of the particles seems to be in pixels. It would be better, if a value of 1000 would correspond to 1 pixel, like it is with attaching meshes. You could place particles more precisely.

2. How creating particles for attached meshes could be handled: Imagine a torch, that creates fire particles on the tip. Now a clonk holds the torch. The torch itself is contained in the clonk. But the mesh of the torch is copied into the clonk's hand, so that it appears like if he is holding the torch. The particles that are created by the torch with CreateParticleAtBone() could also be moved to that mesh of the torch that is attached to the clonk.

3. Another thing I noticed: PV_MoveRelative moves the particle relative to the object wich created the particle, but not relative to the bone, from where it was created. As a result, particles don't really stick to animated bones, they are anywhere expect where they should be (CPAB had the purpose to synch particles with bones, so this might be an error)

Thoughts? :)

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