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In Response to Deflaktor
I also want to give some Feedback.
This is my first real try of open clonk. I already tried earlier versions but the controls and the tutorials seemed really off to me. I had a really hard time to learn it and it seemed more like a beta version to me because of how little content there was.

This version is completely different. The controls are almost on spot! The tutorials are great and interesting and I learned very fast to get used to the controls. It feels like a real clonk game now! You guys did some tremendous work! Now I want to see if I can get enough free time to help out with this amazing project =)

What I also really like is the light system underground. This has always been missing in clonk. Now you can explore the underground. It has always been way too easy to find gold.

A few suggestions:
- In one tutorial mission you have to get the plane from the mountain back to your pilot. There is a lava sea you have to pump out. I got successfully to the plane, but since I didn't know the controls for how to fly a plane, I crashed it straight to the bottom of where the lava sea was. There it was stuck so the only idea I had was to blow it up with some flintstones. But then nothing happened. The pilot still wanted to get the plane back, which did not exist anymore :D it should be fixed somehow.
- I like that the music fades off underground. It is really atmospheric. However it is annoying that it shuts off even if you walk past a few pixels of tunnel. It should be done like in Terraria. If you clonk is surrounded by a large amount of underground stuff it should shut off.

A little feedback without suggestions:
- The inventory needs some more work. I find myself constantly confused on which inventory currently is opened. And I thought it would be intuitive if I could drag and drop items into a crate. Also if I grab a lorry and open inventory I expect the lorry inventory to open and not the structure behind (but some other times I expect the lorry on the left side and the structure on the right side).
- I also thought it was hard to manage a crate and get stuff inside there and in your inventory while holding it. It should be done so it automatically fills up the crate somehow.

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