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Up Topic Dmyst is done with OC

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In Response to Matthias
Well, let's be fair here:
* If you plan to contribute to the core game, you ARE a game dev: You want to create reusable assets like a game dev, you want your stuff to go into the version control like a game dev, you want others and yourself to be able to work with your content later on like a game dev. And as such, you wont get anywhere far in terms of contributing without using git.
* If you plan to just make your own maps and packs, you would possibly consider yourself what is a "modder" in other communities, or a "content creator" in what might be steam workshop or something. And here, you speak the truth: Our tools may not very newbie-friendly.
I find myself just passing models and textures to others, because I just don't want to bother with working out the newest quirk of the blender exporter. There is other stuff which is still a bit rough around the edges, sure, but there are also efforts to create IDEs for a more comfortable workflow, most notably windmill. You could join them and contribute some positive and constructive ideas to their existing projects.

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