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In Response to Zapper

>I didn't know that you have put hundreds of hours into making it easier

Yes, I do realize this. But if you also know that you can't actually see everything, you should reconsider phrasing your 'opinion' in a way that is clearly unfriendly. (That works like that in real life too, by the way.).

>Why do I need to use git to get to the content?

Don't forget that what you want is not the "content". You can download the content in a .zip file if you want.
What you want is the raw development material, which you could not get at all in CR. It's under version control (in a git repos), because that has worked best for the people who work with that for the last 7 years or so.
That doesn't mean it cannot be changed. It just means that you are the first one in half a decade to find that to be a blocker.

By the way, you are right about the graphics stuff being not as tidely organized as the code stuff. That's because we did not have a team of reliable artists during the last years (but we HAD a team of reliable scripters and engine coders).
Organization takes time. And if noone is there who actually needs the organization (as it has been for the last 7 years), it's unlikely that someone starts caring about that.
ala (and shadow) tried taking on that part for a bit in the last year btw. A lot of good things came from that. Sadly still no reliable artist :)

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