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Up Topic Dmyst is done with OC

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In Response to PeterW
Just for the record - I don't disagree. Much to the opposite, I completely agree that attracting low-level developers is much more healthy for a project than trying to attract the mythical high-level complete-package batteries-included variety. This particular discussion goes way back.

On the other hand, you also have to face some realities on the other side of the coin. To cut out an hour from newbies getting into the game, somebody else has to spend dozens if not hundreds of hours. Hours we could have spent making a better game in the first place. Worse - hours that can be very unrewarding because no matter how much effort you put into it, some random entitled guy will still shout at you for not doing more.

So yes, I think you are right. This would be very valuable work to do. Anybody that puts effort into this has my full support. But it's dirty work, and I wouldn't dream of *demanding* it of anybody.

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