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Up Topic problems beating acid rift on insane

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In Response to Armin

>Of course the real question is whether all  maps should be beatable on all difficulties in single player. I

From me a clear "yes" unless there is something like a coop mission folder which sounds like a bad idea. Just saying that the Melee folder is the only folder where more players are needed makes the most sense to me. *coughboomshire* I wouldn't make it too complicate with seeds & desc notes about which maps need more players etc. It's just that we have a map with tons of acid coming down so that the insane Singplayer is not proven to be really finishable, yet, because of time pressure. The luck is not that important for me because the luck is only important if you choose to solve the scen in that weird way..

Good thing that vulcano lava will freeze so this remains as a rare case until the mentioned castlestuff can even help here.

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