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Up Topic Winter food

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In Response to Armin
I'm sure the firestones did a lot! But it was unlogical that the shooter of these firestones was still in her old position after this happened. I fixed this and added a new dialog which makes it a bit more understandable what just happened there. It would be even better if the firestones are quickly being shot one after another but well...


The string table thing that was already discussed on Clonkspot is ofc a bit annoying (unless you might have a shell script that takes all strings from the String table and replaces the texts in the Objects.c) but for me, it feels like a professional "Age of ~" editor from Ensemble Studios so it is very good. Recently, I feared that the holes, that the wipf is always digging, overwrite the LandscapeFg.bmp but the holes don't get saved - which is good.

One small thing: When you or someone scripts the gravestone, it would be cool to give it a custom text in the editor like the signs.

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