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In Response to Newton
Hey Sven, be sure to know that I absolutely appreciate the work you did with the editor. For the most part, it turned out so good, so usable, so feature-rich that I am super happy that you started this project. I really can't wait for version 8. However, amongst all the praise, I have to address one issue I see with the editor which feels like is growing and growing the longer you work on the editor without having a real user-base which can give you feedback from using it:

I watched the video again on twitch. I have to say, the editor still (or already?) feels over-complex. There is so much clicking through menus and comboboxes for just a few lines of code that I think I would not use these functions myself.

I know it is geared towards newbies who cannot script, but I'd say what feels complex to me will feel even more complex to newbies. It is yet another tool they'd have to learn. I find it odd to have functionalities in an editor that experienced developers wouldn't use because they seem too cumbersome but which should be used by newbies.

Of course, that is just my opinion after watching and re-watching the stream, so I'd really recommend to give the editor some exposure to the public by releasing version 8 now and let it grow and refine over the years by real-user feedback rather than developing more and more complex features "in the box".

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