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In Response to Sven2
Thanks for the feedback.

I agree that some of the features have become complex to a point where it's easier to script. This would include conditional actions, variables, the wizard's staff, number pads, etc.

However, two points in defense of the current design:
1. Getting started should be easier. There always seems to be a big jump from playing to editing because you need to know too much to even write a simple scenario script. My idea is that players can start out simply and move on to more complex features.
  Step 1: Draw a map and place objects. This should be really easy now.
  Step 2: Discover object properties. E.g. place a moving brick and adjust its movement range. Place a spawn point and set its spawn object. Place a clonk and enable its AI. Place a switch and connect it to the door.
  Step 3: Action properties. Play a message when you interact with a clonk or switch
  Step 4: Sequences, Triggers, etc.
I don't think players are too stupid to understand more complex concepts. It's just that they won't arrive there.

I think that right now, steps 3 and 4 are not natural yet. If you place a dialogue, you have to find the "Dialogue" property and then figure out why there's a "Sequence". My current idea would be to add links to step-by-step tutorials to the welcome page and to the help menu (as a video or as a simple wiki page). But if you you have ideas how to make the interface more natural to understand, please let me know!

We're also missing a lot of the "Step 2" elements. I think if every object in the original pack had 2-3 simple properties you can set, you can already build some really nice maps without having to understand dialogues and sequences.

2. Independent of newbie-friendliness: Building things together in network mode is fun! I think that it was pretty cool to build e.g. the parkour test scenarios where everyone was designing different sections between the checkpoints. For editor sessions like this, the more complex actions are not a problem because we know how to use them.

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