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In Response to Zapper
To complement Clonkonaut:
The reason why we don't (fully) allow switching Clonks and continuing action is that one of the design goals of OC was that you should have to wait a lot less than in CR for things (researching, constructing, chopping, building, etc. all took one Clonk in CR and are (semi-)automatic in OC).

Imagine the following: You find chopping trees boring and want to do something else in the meantime. But there are probably also scenarios (or situations) where you only have one Clonk! The solution to the problem (boredom) should ideally handle all the situations ingame. At least from a game design perspective. So it should also work if you only have one Clonk!

And that's what Clonkonaut meant: If waiting for your Clonk to chop a tree is boring, we should make it not-boring! Speeding it up, making a minigame out of it, idk.

Again: You are completely right! Waiting 4 seconds for a tree to be chopped is boring. But I think the solution to this might not be to allow switching Clonks in the meantime but something else

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