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In Response to nerdnils

> What are examples of other actions?

Digging, walking, climbing, pushing objects, flying an airship.
Walking/Climbing is helpful when you want to move multiple clonks at once or have long ways(obvious disadvantage: you have to look after them or they will go too far and perhaps die but I never had a problem and always see it as my mistake if this happens).

I have not tried this yet but for the part with the airship i am thinking about something else:

In old/classic clonk when wind came up you had to "push" against it to not fly away. So I used one clonk to steer the ship and another one to throw flintstones, shoot weapons etc. If the ship flies away and the other clonk stops steering when I switch, such attacks are no longer possible(unless you have a second player as an ally obviously). Is this an issue?

I have only tried the airship once, it stayed in the air after I fell down. How to get it back? Was in the tutorial. Only way was to die and respawn. Bad. In the old clonk classics the ship fell down when nobody was in it. In the tutorial a NPC is in it. Is he the reason the ship does not fall? He is very annoying, was talking to him at least a dozen times when I wanted to grab the ship.

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