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Up Topic Basic functionality for switches

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In Response to Marky
So, you have to register OpenDoor() with that handle "open_door" (or whatever name you want to have) and there is no way to call it directly? What if two objects define the action "open_door"?

Regarding that "signal" thing: We can name it differently of course. I used signal in that context, because in the real world you'd have an actual switch that is opened or closed. When closed, it sends the signal "1" over a wire to whatever it is connected to. The receiving object/mechanism then does something with that "1", for example: open a door. If you open the switch or remove the wire the mechanism receives a "0" and would close the door.

Update: Ok, the identifier has to be unique -> this kind of makes it impossible for the actions to be defined generically. I really do not want to have each action "open_door" with another identifier, such as the object number, if they all do the same internally.

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