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Up Topic Basic functionality for switches

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In Response to Marky
With factory I meant any of the production structures, such as armory, tools workshop, chemical lab and that experimental transport system that is floating around somewhere.

Regarding the applications: I can think up lots of things with the existing objects (for example a hatch made of two stone doors and two or three pressure plates) where you need more logic than just switch => open/close door.

This adds complexity to the implementation, and in order to avoid that I want to know what players would likely/realistically want to create. At the moment I feel that such a hatch is rather already there in a scenario and that can be done with the editor sufficiently.

The problem here is a tradeoff:
- the generic solution is a simple concept, but the possibilities might be confusing/overwhelming for the player, because there are many options at once
- the limited approach may be less confusing, but could leave the player frustrated because they have a good idea and cannot realize it due to the limitations. This also creates a morrsspecific implementation.
- I can post an example after I get home from work.

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