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Up Topic Basic functionality for switches

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In Response to Sven2
The wires could be very simple (just boolean signals), but if you want extra logic, they can be in extra objects.

For example, you can build an AND-gate as an extra object which accepts a number of input and output wires.

For building a specific object: When you connect a wire to a factory, you could get a menu asking you which command in the factory the wire should trigger. Or that selection could just be in the interaction menu of the factory (the interaction menu lists all connected wires, and then you can select their action).

If you want to do something crazy like "this switch triggers construction of five muskets", then you have to build that as a machine with a conveyor belt that transports five rocks, which fall onto a switch successively, which triggers both the construction of a musket and transportation back onto the original conveyor belt.

I think it's more fun for the player if we just give the basic logic objects and simple boolean wires, and let the player do more complex stuff in-game. Thinking about it, you could probably also build an AND-gate with conveyor belts and switches :-)

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