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Up Topic Basic functionality for switches

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In Response to Marky
Speaking of wires - that could be comcomfortabled with something like the telegraph from the western pack?

Yes, an and-gate, or-gate, etc. would be a separate object, and that is one thing that I don't like. You either need one object that has a good interface for selecting/changing its functionality, or you spam the construction menu.
Additionally these structures should be relatively cheap, so that you can build them easily.

Is there a conveyor belt already? I think there was one in Clonkraria, and there is the cable car.

Still, is there a situation where you want to build 5 muskets (yes, it was an example) repeatedly when operating a switch? Seems unlikely. Firestones more likely, and it would be neat to have them delivered to your mine automatically.
So, if we want a conveyor system it should help deliver materials to the individual factories, with a demand-based sorting mechanism maybe?

Another obstacle is how to make this comfortable to use. By the time you built 5 conveyor belts you'd already have mined a coal deposit manually and then the belts become useless.

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