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Up Topic Removing temperatures and seasons from the engine

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In Response to Marky
I want to start a discussion about temperatures and seasons in the engine, for future releases (possibly in the far future).
In previous titles the temperature and season added a variety to settlement scenarios, with snow being an obstacle, lakes freezing (depending on the scenario this is a opportunity or an obstruction).
Nowadays I feel that we have specialized scenarios where you always want the same season/temperature, such as races or arena melees. Ideally I don't want to make a setting that prevents water from freezing or ice from melting in those scenarios.
Then we have (mostly external) scenarios where temperature plays a major role, such as the arctic pack, clonk mars. Those packs usually create their own systems for temperature, because the engine simulation is insufficient.
Then we have our own stuff that tries to simulate temperatures in script, such as the fire system and the rules for boiling lava, etc.
Wouldn't it make sense to decouple the engine stuff or implement it in a different way? For example I'd like to be able to freeze water with a cold object locally, or melt ice/boil water with a hot object locally.

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