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Up Topic Removing temperatures and seasons from the engine

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In Response to Clonkonaut
As Sven pointed out, it is probably not a good idea to stuff everything in script especially if it's better (/faster) done in the engine. If in the end a material conversion system isn't called 'seasons' and 'temperature' anymore, I don't really care.

I agree that we don't use seasons anymore and are usually turned off in scenarios (personally, I usually set the temperature to the maximum if I don't want snow). I'd opt for a less annoying default. Currently, if you just create a new scenario in the editor, the climate will be temperate and the season autumn, you start editing in your water and after a few minute see it freezing and remember to set the temperature. But even then, if I remember correctly, the editor doesn't save SetClimate/SetTemperature, so it might just screw you over.

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