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Up Topic Basic functionality for switches

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In Response to Marky
The first part is finished and can be tested here:

This is only the internal restructuring: a library for switches and one for mechanisms.
- when implementing a switch you can now call the generic functions DoSwitchOn(), DoSwitchOff() to operate the connected object. Could be replaced by one function with boolean argument if desired.
- focusing player view on the mechanism that is being operated (such as a door) is now handled by the mechanism itself, instead of the switch - so you don't have to code that anymore
- in the editor you can invert the logic of the switch target, for example pressing up on a spin wheel would then close the door instead of opening it. You can also disable auto-focus in the editor.

I'd like to merge this back to the main branch, so it would be great if someone could review the code, and testing is always welcome, of course.

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