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Up Topic Basic functionality for switches

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In Response to Marky
Addressed in  order:
* I tested Dark Castle only, once before and once after replacing the call.
* Ok, and the library would then also implement IsSwitchTarget
* Makes sense
* I did not find a useful setup where you'd repeatedly set the same signal. You can do this with the spin wheel, though. It could make sense for a switch target that has multiple states and you can cycle through them or go up/down multiple times. In that case maybe a single callback is better, but the target has a setting for not doing a callback unless the signal changes. Edit: Even that may not be necessary after all.

Regarding the ingame stuff:
* does it make sense to build spin wheels or key pads? The latter only if the player can set a code initially, and if you can lock it again
* we can allow building switches
* what about pressure plates? They are cool, but take up space and a hostile player would suspect that they trigger something when stepping on it
* we'd need switch targets other than the stone door. The igniter comes to mind, what else?

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