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Up Topic Basic functionality for switches

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In Response to Marky
Ok, I'll use a different approach then: The player uses an "electronics kit" for connecting a wire to an "electronics station", or to an object that is explicitly a target for an electronics kit (such as the dynamite box).
Certain objects, such as the door or switch, create their own electronics station when built as a construction site. The electronics station has the necessary interface for logic gates in the interaction menu.
This approach has the following advantages: 1) editor-placed objects can be invincible and without electronics station by default.
2) the door itself doesn't have to know anything about the wires
3) the player has a visual cue that a wire can be added to an object, because there is an electronics station next to it.

Now the remaining question is: do we allow electronics stations as separate structures, or is it better/sufficient if a connected electronics kit can be converted to a station? In the former case the workflow is: build target, build station, produce kit, connect station and target. In the latter case it's: build target, produce wire, connect wire to target, connect to other target or set up as a separate station.

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