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Up Topic Screenshot Thread the Fourth

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In Response to Luchs
Some notes from that round:

- Having your tools burn away after dipping into lava was very frustrating. Thankfully Sven fixed that now.

- I think the scenario is currently too difficult on Insane. It's very likely that the volcanoes destroy too much gold before you can get there, making winning impossible. The game doesn't notify you when that happens, you just end up with too little gold after mining everything three hours in.

- Items are deleted near the bottom of the map. This is probably okay in a normal round, but on Insane, you also have to get the gold near the bottom and it's impossible to pump that free. (I deleted that effect once we realized it was impossible to get the gold otherwise)

- I wish there was some way to get new Clonks other than rejoining. Buying is not an option in Acid Gold Mine - you don't have any gold most of the game and there isn't any to spare once you get some.


- I wish the pipe would just stop moving at its maximum length instead of breaking. I think running short a little bit and having to work around that would be more fun than having to re-wire everything again.

- I'd like to have some way to connect pumps.  You currently have to build a bridge kit box which isn't great for maintenance. Maybe a small building you can connect pipes to?

- Apparently the "disconnect pipe" menu of the pump is somewhat confusing. In our round, different people disconnected the wrong side multiple times (i.e. you want to disconnect the input but accidentally disconnect the output). Maybe the buttons in the menu could be color-coded like the pipes?


- Repair costs are ridiculous. Our heavily damaged Steam Engine demanded 6 metal and 1 rock (build costs: 3 metal, 6 rock). Some basements demanded 5 rock to repair (build costs: 2 rock).

- Building multiple layers of basements is very ineffective against meteorites because the explosion always hits two layers at once.

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