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Up Topic [Request] Vital Graphics

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In Response to Newton
The idea could go further. The "sky" in 2D-Games should actually not be the view up into the sky but the view "into" the landscape. Normally, it consists of minimum of two layers: First the sky and in front of that the landscape. Examples: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. As you can see, it works especially good with mountains.

The layer in the back (the sky layer) should be always tileable in all directions whilst the other layers must be tilable on the X-axis. This is all already possible with the engine now except that it is not possible to specifiy that a parallax object should be looped on the X-axis. Plus, while skies can be saved in JPEG-format, graphics of objects can't, thats why it is a whole waste of memory to save photos of mountains. Regrettably, I think there is no image format that does lossy compression like JPEG but offers a alpha-channel as well.

Edit: OK, there are JPEG-formats which can do transparency:

  1. JPEG 2000 - Library: OpenJPEG (BSDish)

  2. JNG - Library: libmng (BSDish) requires libjpeg (BSDish), zlib (BSDish)

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