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Up Topic Clonk2-like Strategy Map

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In Response to TheBuilder
Ya travis, this would be like the missions section in CR, BUT BETTER!

I mean, this would give the feeling of doing something in a map to help on a larger scale, though when i think of that then there comes up the details of how stuff is transported from tile to tile, and how long a settled tile would stay the same before it changes.

There would be other things like, could one person control more than one tile at a time, just not play on more than one at a time, (has 4 towns, one clonk in each and a crew of 4 more making other towns elsewhere.
But this really does sound like an awsome thing to dd.

One last thing, would the tiles be triangular, square or hexagonal.

"TheBuilder Shivers"    Whoa, another cool idea, couldnt u do this in another way where it shows a gigantic map, like the combination of say 5 maps long and 7 maps deep, split into 35 different maps, so as u dig deeper into one, u save and then go onto the top of the nex one wich is one screen down.

    Think of arranging bitmaps in rows and collums so that when all is said and done the material deposits in each one line up at teh edges.

The amount of things that could be done with the game now that it is "Open" is amazing!

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