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Up Topic Clonk2-like Strategy Map

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In Response to Ringwaul

>this would be like the missions section in CR, BUT BETTER!

The missions are more like adventures; this would be an equivalent to the "worlds" in CR.

>There would be other things like, could one person control more than one tile at a time, just not play on more than one at a time,

I don't really understand what you mean. From what I do understand, you could have multiple Clonk crews at different locations (ie: defending a castle), but you can only control one crew at a time.

>One last thing, would the tiles be triangular, square or hexagonal.

This is getting a bit ahead, as this is still just an idea, but I think the best would be isometric. That way maps could easily correspond to which direction a clonk is entering them from. See the attachment for explanation.

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