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Up Topic Clonk2-like Strategy Map

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In Response to AlteredARMOR
As for me, I always wanted to have some sort of (single-player) campaign in Clonk.
   The game as it (set of scenarious) is could be very interesting in terms of having different types of activities which can be chosen easilly (I mean, if you want to play a melee you just start a melee and play it). But. Settlement scenarious (Worlds, I mean) were WAY TOO boring because you knew from the start that gameplay won't change a bit after 2, 3, 5 whatever hours of play. There was actually NO GOAL in settlement scenarious. Reaching a sufficient ammount of settlement points by building hundreds of identical structures was no fun at all (though I do not claim to be the first one who realized that). The more interesting type of play in CR were Missions, where you actually HAD A GOAL (I still like the first one much - the moment when tons of water fall down into the lava pool was the most delightfull thing I ever experienced). I think my favorite mission is "The Last Will" where you not only had a goal, but lots of ingame events (gameplay diversity) that lead to even more challenge and more fun. But there is still something missing here (not to mention small ammount of missions). When mission ends... you feel some kind of disappointment along with a feeling that you will probably never play this mission again (because it is 100% linear - you can play it 1000 times and everything will still be the same).
   Why did I say all of that? Every moderm game (I mean a successfull one) has a plot. Without a plot the game looses 70% of its attraction (even if it has the best graphics and sound effects ever). In fact even a game without any graphics or sounds can attract millions of people (Nethack? ADOM?). (In my early ages I liked Japan RPGs a lot - every single one of them had a mindblowing plot which made it awesome even without modern 3D graphics)... Well, I'm a bit off topic here. What I'm trying to say is that OpenClonk far better potential than any type of game mentioned above. Adding another element to it (I mean strategy element) will make it greater than CR, even greater than OC itself! (sorry for recursion here :-)
   I stand with both of my hands for the idea mentioned above. And I can help with the 3D graphics as well if it comes this far. (Though I still have a strong sensation that this great idea will be peremptorily rejected by the community - sorry for my pessimism). We will wait and see.

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