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Up Topic Clonk2-like Strategy Map

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In Response to Asmageddon
If we were going to have some clonk2-alike style strategy map, then it would be good, if there really were some random events, so city is not always "Just some city", but "Happy city", "Burnt city", "Rebelling city", "City under attack", "City, that king is currently in"

And as for being able to choose, who player wants to be would allow different starts - even in random-ish games start is usually always the same. This way player would once be a king, and try to beat other kingdoms, once a bandit raiding cities, once an outcast building his own place to live. Other time players would be princes, that have to gain people's sympathy.

Of course player could just choose to "start alone" as single clonk, but he could as well start as "someone" with some fixed goals to do. Some people like to "sandbox" more, but some prefer to "know, what to do"

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