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In Response to Newton
In the last weeks, we have seen some huge progress and many things mentioned in the old todo thread have already been implemented. This was about one month ago, we got one month more to go until the first release for which we wanted a playable game with a few melees and parkours.
Since I have the impression that the development got a bit off-track again because so much of the original to do is done, I want to list what is still missing and who (currently does what / reserved to do something).

Parkours & Melees

This has to be our focus over the next few weeks. Otherwise we won't reach our goal. I'd wish to have some unique scenarios with proper athmosphere and a fun idea, not generic "here is a landscape, the first who reached the right wins / the first who kills all others wins". But to create on the one hand a fine athmosphere with fitting scenery, backgrounds, sound effects, yeah perhaps even music and special objects for that scenario and on the other hand a scenario that is fun to play, we need ideas.
As I said, there hasn't been any. This and the development of these must be topic for the next few weeks.

Generic decoration:
Like plants etc... - are not really started yet. So its unassigned.
  • Ringwaul added grass but we are far away from a rich plant scenery. I'd like to encourage all to search for some fitting resources (photos etc.) for some plants like vines, moss, rocks (for background, bushes well perhaps also trees on the internets.

  • We need textures for (indestructable or nearly indestructable) walls that can be placed in scenarios as (amongst others) decoration. Examples: Mossy stone wall for old ruins, monolithic pale brownish texture for desert castles/ruins, dark stone walls for evil castles and such

  • Tutorial explaining the new controls. Assigned to Sven2. Frozen

  • more... I hope you post some ideas


Not mentioned here is if the objects are unbalanced. This has to be done in proper scenarios.

Undone objects (scripts):
  • Melee weapons including sword, club and shield. Assigned to Zapper. Status? He continued to work on it

  • Musket: lead shots should vanish after shot and have a cool trail copied from Hazard. Assigned to Newton done

  • Grappling hook Maikel already finished some parts. He is working on it

  • Catapult. Can shoot stuff that has been put into it at a given strength. One can also climb onto the catapult and shoot oneself. A trajectory view is imaginable. unassigned

  • Cannon. Mostly same as catapult and because the graphics are done(?), could be done by the same person who does the catapult. unassigned

  • Magical balloon unassigned

  • Rope ladder or rope for climbing Newton will do the ladder-climbing functionality when the graphic is finished Randrian is doing the ladder-climbing

  • Some explosives...

Undone graphics:

  • Big hammer, club Ringwaul

  • Catapult (just animation and texture) Modelling assigned to AlteredARMOR, texturing unassigned

  • Magical balloon assigned to AlteredARMOR

  • Rope ladder or rope for climbing AlteredARMOR

Also, wearables come up with the topic about a divers helmet. We need to talk about how this is gonna work (put on/put off/use?).

Related bugs: #149, #143


Maikel is in charge of the two goals parkour and melee. Parkour is mostly done except for a useful short description (like "checkpoint 4/5"). Status on Melee is unkown, Maikel?
The scoreboard also causes some trouble atm as it disturbingly floats in the upper-right corner and conceals part of the HUD. This might be solved with #66 or by displaying the scoreboard somewhere else for now.

HUD and new controls

This is mostly optional since the controls WASD are in a working state but would still nice-to-have for the first release. Sven2 is in charge of the engine-implementation of the controls, Newton of the script-side implementation. The HUD stuff could be done by pretty much any engine dev who knows his way around there.

  • Fully functional Gamepad controls, both with SNES-like controller and Dual-Shock-like controller. Currently none is working. See #158.

  • New control selection dialog which incorporates Ringwauls renderings

  • Actually allow multiple gamepads

  • Some place where the controls for each control are explained. Doesn't have to be a tutorial, could be a page in the wiki, too.

HUD related bugs: #66, #62, #98, #100, #130, #83, #106, #147
Control related bugs: #69, #158, #146, #95

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