Topic OpenClonk as the game title
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In Response to Asmageddon
OpenClonk is the best, and yes - a "Reloaded" or something simmiliar is quite nice. We could have different sub-titles for different relases, so first would be maybe something like:
OpenClonk - Reloaded
OpenClonk, the new beggining
then something like:
OpenClonk - Gears of Magic
OpenClonk - Sword and Honour
OpenClonk - A wild west story
Depending on what will be the main addition to new version
And of course OpenClonk Alpha, Beta, RC and Final for each of the most important relases.
OpenClonk - Reloaded
OpenClonk, the new beggining
then something like:
OpenClonk - Gears of Magic
OpenClonk - Sword and Honour
OpenClonk - A wild west story
Depending on what will be the main addition to new version
And of course OpenClonk Alpha, Beta, RC and Final for each of the most important relases.
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