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Up Topic Development / Developer's Corner / Inventory-Management Prototype
- - By boni [at] Date 2012-02-24 19:09
I started to do some prototyping for inventory management (see this thread: and need some feedback and ideas now.

So far I've merged the "hand-inventory" directly into the backpack (therefore it has 7 slots now, instead of 5) and made them clickable. Left click for left hand, right click for right hand. Markers to show which slot is selected for which hand are still missing. For arraging I've used the old ringmenu, but as everything is rather clumped together like that I've also tested a lefthand-column approach. I'd like to know which one of the two are preferred, or maybe some alternatives!

Next up is direct selection via number keys. In my current concept pressing 1 to 0 will select the item for use (that's why there are numbers next to the slots). The Actionbar that's used for interacting with other objects is changed to pressing a modifier + the number, for example Shift+2 or Space+2 to use that workshop behind the lorry.
However, our clonk has 2 hands, and I'm unsure how to assign items to the 2nd hand via number. Here are some ideas:
  • Not at all.
  • Modifier + Number (like Alt, Shift, Crtl)
  • Pressing the number twice. So pressing 1 would assign the first item to the left hand, and pressing 33 would assign the 3rd to the right hand.

So, what do you think, which version and which modifiers do you guys prefer (both inventory and actionbar)? Any fresh ideas out there?

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I hereby license the following file(s) under the CC-by license
Parent - By Ringwaul [ca] Date 2012-02-26 09:45
Coming from playing Skyrim where they use the same system of using two hands for weapons/magic etc I've noticed their solution for hotkeys is very complicated and doesn't even work properly in all situations. I don't see anything wrong with not having hotkeys for items.

Also, the second image looks neat. It would be nice to finally minimize the large inventory graphic clogging up the bottom-left corner of the screen.
Parent - By boni [at] Date 2012-02-26 18:02
The changes are pushed to the new and shiny Controls-Branch now!
I'm not listing the changes here on purpose, but I want everybody to test it, and tell me what they're missing and what they find hard to find and to do.
Parent - By boni [at] Date 2012-02-26 20:29
Stuff I'm still unhappy about:
Dropping stuff is relatively unconsistent. Shift + down/click drops/throws something. You can't drop via number key. Shift is used for the Action Bar otherwise. I'm thinking about changing the modifier-keys to have designated meanings each:
  • Shift - Action bar stuff

  • Ctrl - Playercontrols

  • Alt - Dropping stuff

  • No Modifier - Inventory Control

That means alt+down/throw would be drop/force throw, and alt + number key would drop the designated slot.

Handling more objects with multiple Clonks is really clumsy. When trying to build some stuff, and one Clonk has the axe/shovel, and one the hammer, it's really annoying to transfer all the items from the first clonk to the 2nd to build. Easier drop-controls via keys should make that better, but additionally I'll probably change the contents-menu to also include nearby crewmembers.
Parent - - By Maikel Date 2012-02-28 09:42
Did you test this yesterday? And what came out of it?

In any case I would suggest to do some more tests before the end of the weekend, and maybe also have a dev meeting about the concepts of inventory controls and GUI elements and related stuff.
Parent - - By Zapper [de] Date 2012-02-28 10:22

>Did you test this yesterday? And what came out of it?

Imo it worked pretty well - and as usual we had quite some todo-points after that round of goldmine. We should definetly play more often, can't hurt
Parent - By boni [at] Date 2012-02-28 11:03
The best approach would be implementing experimental stuff, test how it works, gather feedback and then go back to the drawing board or develop it further (or polish it).
Parent - - By Maikel Date 2012-02-28 22:35
Okay some issues:
*I'd prefer to have the first item in the middle in the content menus, cause it's more convenient to get stuff into buildings.
*I am not completely used to the items on the left yet and kept pressing Q, so I can't say too much about it.
*But I think the item selection should never vanish into the left border.
*Get rid off the backpack and items on the bottom asap, they are a major distraction.
*I think the bottom should only contain health/breath and the actionbar (in a rectangular shape to get some of the landscape back :))

More to come when I played a lag free round.
Parent - By Zapper [de] Date 2012-02-28 23:18

>I am not completely used to the items on the left yet and kept pressing Q, so I can't say too much about it.

I did that in my first round too, pressing Q all the time and wondering why the backpack won't work.. :)

>I think the bottom should only contain health/breath and the actionbar (in a rectangular shape to get some of the landscape back :))

Parent - - By Matthias [de] Date 2012-02-28 23:25
I, as an almost "new player", did not press q at all - although I knew that the backpack menu would be hiding there. I did however get used to pressing the number buttons in a matter of minutes. I guess it's a matter of habit. On the other points, I mostly agree. The vanishing of the bar could be okay, if it came back out way earlier and way faster, but thinking about it, there actually is no real reason to hide the items. I think they are small enough to be shown all the time.
Parent - By Zapper [de] Date 2012-02-29 00:04

>but thinking about it, there actually is no real reason to hide the items. I think they are small enough to be shown all the time.

Probably only if there would be a melee where every player just gets a bow (or a magic staff *wink, wink*) and therefore does not really need inventory management at all
Parent - - By Anonymous [de] Date 2012-03-12 19:45
Yesterday I tested the settlementstuff and came up with the idea of just changing the tools in your hand by holding some key and clicking left or right. So when you have seven slots for your inventory it would be like this:
While every number is a slot and the brackets are the left {x} and right [x] hand. So when you hold shift (just an example) and click left (anywhere), it will look like this:

I think this is a very simple way to solve - at least one part of the problem.
Parent - By clonkine [de] Date 2012-03-13 00:34
so u 'scroll' with clicking as if u would have a mouse wheel to scroll from 1-7?
Up Topic Development / Developer's Corner / Inventory-Management Prototype

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