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Up Topic Development / Developer's Corner / New and shiny controls
- - By boni [at] Date 2012-03-18 23:43 Edited 2012-03-30 20:02
A wiki-page for the new Controls can be found here:

Today I merged the Controls branch into the default branch. That means new controls for everybody!

Short Summary:
  • New Inventory with shiny clickable stuff
  • Shift = Item-Key (for Dropping)
  • Space = Interaction Key (using structures, grabbing vehicles,..)
  • 1-0 = Hotkey for inventory, can be combined with Shift, Space and mouse buttons
  • Split menus up in base-menu + implementations (only relevant for scripters)

Most keys can be combined with other keys/mouseclicks to achieve (hopefully) expected behaviour. Most stuff should be click or drag'n'drop-able. The inventory is hide-able, but this will probably be removed.

If you want to do something specific, but don't know how, try the first approach that comes to your mind. If it doesn't work, please tell me what you wanted to do and how! (For example: to drop something from your inventory, you can drag'n'drop it onto the landscape)
Please report all bugs, inconsistencies and everything that's weird to use.
Parent - - By Newton [de] Date 2012-03-19 00:07
Do you want to create a blog entry about it? I will give you access.

Also: Extra-slot display still working?
Parent - - By boni [at] Date 2012-03-19 09:02
Ah, yes. Nobody seems to have used items with it so far. :D
No, Extra-Slot display shouldn't work for inventory.

Also, a blog-post would be nice, yes.
Parent - - By Newton [de] Date 2012-03-19 12:44
So you didn't reuse the ObjectSelector/ExtraSlot objects? If you didn't, you should copy the functionalities from those objects into the new ones and delete the old objects. F.e.

>to drop something from your inventory, you can drag'n'drop it onto the landscape

was possible already with the old classes.
Parent - - By boni [at] Date 2012-03-19 21:56
I did some rapid prototyping to test stuff so I didn't do complete implementations. The current ones stuck, and then I messed around with more features and added them as needed, so basing it on that wasn't possible during development. I'll revisit it though, might make sense to actually just move the added functionality into the ObjectSelector.
Parent - By Newton [de] Date 2012-03-21 00:54
Well, the object selector was originally intended for item selection and interaction-selection which makes the object a bit clumsy. So I wouldn't mind if you seperated the two different functionalities (item display with extraslots vs. display of interactables) in two different objects.
Parent - By Maikel Date 2012-03-19 22:34
A big todo is to get the health and breath tube combined with the actionbar into a smaller design at the bottom, should be high priority imo.
Also the buttons for the new backpack can be a bit bigger, maybe 64 pixels.
Parent - - By Maikel Date 2012-03-20 21:18
If you want to enter a building with space + 1, but release space before you are in, you won't enter the building.
Parent - - By boni [at] Date 2012-03-21 21:58
Haven't tested with anything enter-able yet. Do we even have anything usable that you can enter at the moment? :I
Parent - - By Newton [de] Date 2012-03-21 22:05
The mining hut perhaps?
Parent - By Ringwaul [ca] Date 2012-03-22 00:10
Also, the airplane
Parent - - By boni [at] Date 2012-03-21 22:02
Okay, new experimental changes that need testing! \o/

Alt+# now assigns right hand. (So you can use 1-0 for left, alt+1-0 for right hand)
The row below the home row (<, y, x, c, v....) is now used for Interaction-Shortcuts. (So < is the same as Space+1, Y is the same as Space+2 etc)

Need some feedback on those changes. Especially if they're usable and if you actually use them.
Parent - - By Maikel Date 2012-03-21 23:06
There are some strange bugs with space, you can all find them in the little village in Crash.ocs:
*Space closes NPC menu
*Space does nothing for entering buildings
*Space changes editor mode, which is annoying
Also I did not manage to use any of the new interaction keys, be aware that there are also US laptop keyboards without the ;: and  |\ keys at that position, mine for example.
I pretty much pressed all keys on my keyboard, hm okay, xcvb and work, but this are only number 3-6, pretty annoying, actually.
Then I got the following runtime error: not being able to reproduce that, and didn't know what key I pressed
ERROR: '->': invalid target type nil, expected proplist.
by: SetHandItemPos(0,3) (obj #5214) (planet\Objects.ocd\Libraries.ocd\ClonkControl.ocd\Script.c:104)
by: ObjectControl(0,28,-161,-861,0,0,true) (obj #5214) (planet\Objects.ocd\Libraries.ocd\ClonkControl.ocd\Script.c:738)
by: PlayerControl(0,28,0,0,0,0,0,true) (def ) (planet\System.ocg\PlayerControl.c:85)

Also my hand is uncapable of pressing Alt+# on this keyboard.

P.S. CERN blocks IRC, so that pretty much means no decent communication for the next week or so....
Parent - By Clonk-Karl [de] Date 2012-03-21 23:25

> P.S. CERN blocks IRC, so that pretty much means no decent communication for the next week or so....

You are lucky that you didn't go there ~a year ago or skype would be blocked as well. I normally use screen+irssi for IRC when I'm at CERN.
Parent - - By TLK [au] Date 2012-03-30 12:49
On this note i'd like to mention that the #key as well as the below home row keys on an English keyboard are different to the keys on a german Keyboard. I think almost everyone made experiences with bad key settings in games which require 'z' to be next to 'x' and 'shift'. The Idea of using 'z' , 'x', 'c' and 'v' (the 'below home row' keys on an English keyboard) as Interaction-Shortcuts gets a positive feedback from me. However i think players should be able to customize every key, as they were in CR.
Parent - By boni [at] Date 2012-03-30 15:33
First of, the # doesn't refer to the #-key, but to the numbers 1-0.
I'm well aware of the problems with different keyboard-layouts (especially z/y and \|/<>), and that's the reason why we've avoided those keys so far, but we kinda need a better key-management in the engine first before fixing that. If everything goes wrong, we can still offer a keyboard option for US-Keyboards like we do for Dvorak-Keyboards.
You will be able to define your own keys, it's just deactivated for now.
Parent - - By Heyub [us] Date 2012-03-22 14:58
I found space very useful for interaction, I also enjoyed throwing swords at my opponents with Shift + Item-key!  I was quite glad to find these new controls, thanks :)
Parent - By boni [at] Date 2012-03-22 18:07
Glad to hear that, however throwing stuff with shift+mouseclick already was possible before ;)
Be sure to give me some feedback on what doesn't work well or seems missing!
Parent - By Maikel Date 2012-03-22 18:19
Also tell us after you have played GoldRush or Crashed (in BeyondtheRocks folder), whether you managed to finish them, E opens a menu where you can access contents of strutures,etc.
Parent - - By Maikel Date 2012-03-30 07:31
Just a general comment regarding controls.

Since we do not have tutorials explaining all of them any more and some tutorial comments don't make sense on tip anymore, I think it's good to have a wiki page where all controls are described/explained.
Both for us as developers to keep the overview, but more importantly for players that want to test the development snapshots.
Parent - By boni [at] Date 2012-03-30 15:35
Great Idea, haven't thought of the possibility of creating a wiki page for it yet, so I just put them iteratively here.
It also isn't directly in the game, which allows people to try out the controls without knowledge first.. which should give us some nice feedback on what works intuitively. :3
Parent - By boni [at] Date 2012-03-30 20:02
Wiki page is up now. :)
- - By Anonymous [de] Date 2012-04-02 18:41
Just an idea about the Q button...

I would like it to be the pick-up butten, i really dont like it to press the up or down key to pick up stuff.
Also someone ( i think clonkonaut) mentioned that its annoyin that earth appears whenever you are shoveling
and that it would be nice if you would have to hold a certain key while shoveling to obtain earth, just like in rage.
That could too be solved with the Q-key.
But besides of that, you really did a great job, love the seatlement so far :)
(sorry for bad english)
Parent - - By Sven2 [de] Date 2012-04-02 18:45
We could make manual pick up customizable, so you could set that in the options.

I really like the pickup on direction at the moment. Takes some time to get used to, but then it's pretty nice being able to pick up without moving fingers away from the movement keys.
Parent - - By Newton [de] Date 2012-04-03 13:03
How with just the ControlSet? I mean, you can't assign "<movement keys" to an action in the UI.

Hm btw, the redefining controls in the GUI is still invisible isnt it?
Parent - By Sven2 [de] Date 2012-04-03 14:52
Yeah, this would need some engine love.
Parent - By boni [at] Date 2012-04-03 17:17
As it is now, the Controls-dialogue has 4 Collect entries. Each one mapped to a direction (WASD). It's kinda hard to get a good control scheme there, and definitively needs some engine love/hardcode. But that has no priority, as long as we don't have fixed controls. :3

The dialogue is visible btw.
Parent - - By TLK [au] Date 2012-04-03 04:54
I'd actually like some kind of mouse lock. My mouse is usually on a high tracking speed so i tend to hit the edges with it. If q would be a a Key that focuses the camera on the selected clonk and prevents the screen from moving it'd make aiming on the different zoom levels easier. Also you can use it to get back to your clonk after you took a look at the rest of the map, without pressing an action key.
Parent - - By Newton [de] Date 2012-04-03 13:04
Or perhaps disable mouse scrolling (on the edges). After all, there is zooming.
Parent - By Sven2 [de] Date 2012-04-03 14:52
Mouse scrolling is very useful in some settlement scenarios when you want to plan. E.g. in Crash Landing, you need to scroll over the lake to see how to rescue the plane. If you had to zoom out, you couldn't see any of the details at the crash site.

Mouse lock on/off as an option would make sense though.
Up Topic Development / Developer's Corner / New and shiny controls

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