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- - By Fluff [gb] Date 2012-10-21 09:47
Had a bit of a clonky mood. Thoughts as follows.

1) Firestones. Still. Aaaaaaaah. No more earthchunks driving me mad is nice, but when I'm digging a tunnel, and there's a firestone... Ugh. I know the idea is "nearly expose it, then pick it out of the wall/ceiling, but because clonks can only seem to dig in discrete amounts, I'm left with "Cannot reach firestone, press dig, die." as my only choice. Auto-pickup for firestones? Please?

2) Healing. How about gold statues as a way of healing? A miracle from the clonk gods, perhaps. Anything would be nice though. There were no berries in the map I had, so after firestones brought my clonk to 1hp, I had to spend the whole round trying desperately to not die. Then a piece of wood from my sawmill bonked him on the head and he died and I was eliminated. He was my last clonk because of point three.

3) Elevators. Auto-movement. Aside from letting a load of water into the mineshaft, this also meant that when I had a clonk at the bottom of the shaft in the water, the elevator came down and apparently pushed him into the iron ore at the bottom. He got stuck and drowned. How about some buildings be controllable from a distance with the mouse? I.e. click elevator, elevator starts moving.

4) Elevators again. I wish I could transport trees by elevator. As of now they just seem to fall through all the time. What if we had a way of cutting trees into carry-heavy chunks, which could be brought to the sawmill for more wood than just using the axe, but less than a whole tree. Maybe a handsaw for this?

5) Elevators and barrels. This is probably a bug. When I'm carrying a barrel (and perhaps any carry-heavy object) and I'm holding an elevator, letting go of the elevator is tricky. Either my clonk keeps re-grabbing the elevator, or he puts down the barrel as well, and I have to have him pick it up again, and the time spent watching the little putdown/pickup animations adds up after a while. Oh, and speaking of barrels, that brings me to point six.

6) When making loam, the building says I need 250 (irc) water and 25 dirt. Shame I don't know how much water or dirt is carried in a barrel/bucket. When you're making something in a building, it would be nice to see how many of which items you need to put in, as opposed to checking what you're making, then checking what the recipe for that item is, then checking what's already in the building.

7) Swimming. I can't seem to pick up or drop things while swimming. I also can't attach line-kits to pumps. Perhaps you can imagine why that last one is a problem.

8) Suggestion: I know controlling multiple clonks at once is a bit of a no-no, but what about for dragging objects like trees? Telling two clonks to pick it up, then controlling one could make the other one follow along, giving you twice the lifting power and control.

9) I think there was something else too. But I've forgotten what it was.

Despite all that, I also need to say that I really enjoyed myself, and you guys have done an awesome job.
Parent - - By Caesar [de] Date 2012-10-21 10:58

>4) Elevators again. I wish I could transport trees by elevator. As of now they just seem to fall through all the time. What if we had a way of cutting trees into carry-heavy chunks, which could be brought to the sawmill for more wood than just using the axe, but less than a whole tree. Maybe a handsaw for this?

We have that "Two adjacent elevators snap together to a large one which can transport trees"-thing, right?
Parent - - By Fluff [gb] Date 2012-10-21 11:21
...I'll go check.

If so, I'll also check to see if it works on minecarts, because at the moment they just fall through my elevator when it moves up as well.
Parent - - By Caesar [de] Date 2012-10-21 11:23
Hm. Solution: Abolish elevators, use cranes/winches (rope system please!)
Parent - By Fluff [gb] Date 2012-10-21 12:05
Update: Elevators do snap together (Is this mentioned in the tutorial?)... I guess. They "move" with each other, but they aren't perfectly synchronised.

Trees and minecarts still fall through them.
Parent - - By Thoradyn [de] Date 2012-10-21 13:34

>2) Healing. How about gold statues as a way of healing? A miracle from the clonk gods, perhaps. Anything would be nice though. There were no berries in the map I had, so after firestones brought my clonk to 1hp, I had to spend the whole round trying desperately to not die. Then a piece of wood from my sawmill bonked him on the head and he died and I was eliminated. He was my last clonk because of point three.

Gold Statues as a way of healing would be great. It could be a slow healing so its not too overpowered when it comes to wars. Bread and other food was planned to heal clonks, i think, but the production line seems not to be finnished already.

>1) Firestones. Still. Aaaaaaaah. No more earthchunks driving me mad is nice, but when I'm digging a tunnel, and there's a firestone... Ugh. I know the idea is "nearly expose it, then pick it out of the wall/ceiling, but because clonks can only seem to dig in discrete amounts, I'm left with "Cannot reach firestone, press dig, die." as my only choice. Auto-pickup for firestones? Please?

Yep, I know that problem. There could be something done, too, maybe that the firestones doesnt explode so easy?
Parent - By Clonkonaut [de] Date 2012-10-21 14:15

> It could be a slow healing so its not too overpowered when it comes to wars

An argument completely made up out of thin air. Without testing you'll never know what's balanced and what's not. ;)

> Bread and other food was planned to heal clonks, i think, but the production line seems not to be finnished already.

It is finished, just not used in the existing scenarios. ;) But there is the kitchen, the windmill, bread, flour, wheat...
Parent - - By Ringwaul [ca] Date 2012-10-22 00:31 Edited 2012-10-22 02:01

>How about gold statues as a way of healing? A miracle from the clonk gods, perhaps. Anything would be nice though. There were no berries in the map I had, so after firestones brought my clonk to 1hp, I had to spend the whole round trying desperately to not die. Then a piece of wood from my sawmill bonked him on the head and he died and I was eliminated. He was my last clonk because of point three.

I think "magical healing" doesn't really fit with everything else, especially from a golden idol (but then again, I don't really understand the gold idol in the first place). Something like that would fit in a "Far Worlds - Tribal" pack or something, but it doesn't make much sense with the base objects.

Currently the only way to heal right now is by eating food: Bread, Sproutberries, Mushrooms, and Coconuts. These are only available if the scenario designer chose to make them, though. Idea!
Transfusion Needle:
Takes 25 HP from the clonk when empty; 25 HP slowly regenerates back after use. When full, gives 25 HP to clonk over short period of time.

>What if we had a way of cutting trees into carry-heavy chunks, which could be brought to the sawmill for more wood than just using the axe, but less than a whole tree. Maybe a handsaw for this?

I agree; good idea.
Parent - - By Zapper [de] Date 2012-10-22 09:53

>Transfusion Needle:

Meh. Better idea: fix wheat :]
Parent - - By Clonkonaut [de] Date 2012-10-22 10:18
Parent - - By Zapper [de] Date 2012-10-22 10:22
Mh, it works completely? Why is it in no scenario? :o
Or am I misunderstanding anything?
Parent - - By Clonkonaut [de] Date 2012-10-22 18:44

> Mh, it works completely?


> Why is it in no scenario?

No one cared :(
Parent - By Zapper [de] Date 2012-10-22 18:48
Parent - By Ringwaul [ca] Date 2012-10-23 01:38

> Why is it in no scenario?
>No one cared :(

I cared! I used it in like, 2 scenarios I never showed anyone (because they aren't finished). :)
Parent - - By Ringwaul [ca] Date 2012-10-23 01:41
What if the scenario doesn't have edibles in it? :I
Parent - - By Zapper [de] Date 2012-10-23 06:42
Then the scenario designer consciously decided against the possibility of healing? :)

If you don't want edibles via farming in an exploration-style scenario, you could still hide stuff in chests.

I mean: Where would you produce such a transfusion needle? [beside that it's a weird idea ;) ]
And why can't you just produce food instead?
Parent - By Ringwaul [ca] Date 2012-10-23 07:52
But if you call right now, you can double the function of a transfusion needle as a radical blood sprayer!
Parent - - By Zapper [de] Date 2012-10-22 09:54

>I agree; good idea.

As long as we don't introduce another item with just one function :D

Rather fix ropes and make them attachable to trees so that you can transport them using a blimp? ;)
Parent - - By Fluff [gb] Date 2012-10-22 20:32

>As long as we don't introduce another item with just one function

Would there be a way to have a choice between "Axe cuts tree into logs" and "axe cuts tree into carry-heavy chunks"?
Parent - - By ala [nl] Date 2012-10-22 22:05
Tree -> chopped tree -> carry heavy chunks -> Chop again = wood.
Parent - - By Fluff [gb] Date 2012-10-22 22:24
Might get annoying for people who don't want the carry heavy chunks though.
Parent - By ala [nl] Date 2012-10-22 22:26
If it is we could shorten the durations that it takes chopping, so that it matches the current one.
Parent - By Fluff [gb] Date 2012-10-22 18:39
Gold idols as a source of miracles-in-return-for-tribute popped into my head. Maybe in one particular scenario, rather than as a global feature of the statue. It would be nice if that had some use though.
- - By Fluff [gb] Date 2012-10-21 12:08
Ah, I rembered number 9.

9) The moon. It doesn't rise or fall, it just appears out of no-where at night, then vanished in the morning. Also, the way it moves about so much makes it seem like it's very close, and following your clonk. Which is actually kind of cool. I vote making the moon a living creature that likes watching clonks do stuff.
Parent - - By boni [at] Date 2012-10-21 13:04
Parent - - By Fluff [gb] Date 2012-10-21 13:55
Parent - By boni [at] Date 2012-10-21 16:26
Sounds like a settlement setting that Soeren could create a nice pack around.
Parent - By Andriel Date 2012-10-21 15:47
- - By Fluff [gb] Date 2012-10-21 14:16
Also, there don't seem to be any prices for the buy menu in Conquest Krakatoa.

(Unrelated: the pun "Clonquest" just appeared in my mind."
Parent - - By Sven2 [de] Date 2012-10-21 16:27
They are there. But for some reason, the font is very small.
Parent - By Fluff [gb] Date 2012-10-21 16:52
Too small, apparently.
- - By Fluff [gb] Date 2012-10-21 14:20
I think I've set a new time record for "Mount Brame". 33 seconds. The rock didn't push me down the hole, it knocked me over it to some ground on the other side, and I was able to simply jump back to the house and win the level.
Parent - By Maikel Date 2012-10-21 14:21
- - By Fluff [gb] Date 2012-10-21 16:55
Oh, and as one of the only native English-speakers on this forum, I'd be happy to go over the spelling and grammar in this game, I'm just wondering what the easiest way to do it would be. Just say "This word in this scenario text should be ___, the word order on this item could be ___, and so on? Or is there an easier way?
Parent - By Sven2 [de] Date 2012-10-21 16:57
That would be cool! You can fix them, create a patch file and post it here.
Parent - - By Zapper [de] Date 2012-10-21 18:03
To elaborate what Sven means:
You can use TortoiseHG to download the repository that contains all of the files that belong to the game. You can then just edit those files to your pleasure and after you are finished, automatically create a "patch"-file with all your changes
Parent - - By Fluff [gb] Date 2012-10-21 18:29
Okay. I've managed to get as far as "Installing TortoiseHG". I might be able to work this out myself, but any advice would be appreciated.
Parent - - By Zapper [de] Date 2012-10-21 18:36
After you have installed it, you make an OpenClonk folder somewhere and right-click it and select "TortoiseHG -> Clone.." and enter the address
Then it should automatically download all the stuff.

The files with all the text are in planet/
Parent - By Fluff [gb] Date 2012-10-21 18:38
Much appreciated.
Parent - - By Fluff [gb] Date 2012-10-21 18:48
"Access is denied: C:\Program Files\OpenClonk\openclonk"
What am I doing wrong now?
Parent - - By Fluff [gb] Date 2012-10-21 19:44 Edited 2012-10-21 19:46
Neeevermind everything's fine.
Parent - - By Fluff [gb] Date 2012-10-21 20:31
Yup. Now going through the scenario texts, working my magic.

As an aside, in the options menu, where you set your controls, "Inventory" is misspelt. I'm not sure how to change this.
Parent - - By Fluff [gb] Date 2012-10-21 20:45
For a sneak preview, and if anyone feels like commenting on my style, here's a before and after.
Thunderous Skies

Claim the rule over this sky island which floats up high in the sky.

Goal: King of the Hill (only the kings gets point for kills or other players for regicide)

- Try to regain control in gaining 5 points.
- You are healed by 30% of the damage you cause while being the king.

Thunderous Skies

Claim rulership over this island which floats up high in the sky.

Goal: King of the Hill (Points are awarded when the king kills someone, or when someone kills the king.)

- Solidfy your control by gaining 5 points.
- The king will be healed by 30% of the damage he inflicts.
Parent - By Zapper [de] Date 2012-10-21 20:55
Sounds good
Parent - By Ringwaul [ca] Date 2012-10-22 00:28
Eloquently embellished, English editing extraordinaire!
Parent - - By Zapper [de] Date 2012-10-21 20:55
look for Inventory in System.ocg/StringTblUS.txt
Parent - By Fluff [gb] Date 2012-10-21 20:59
Parent - - By Fluff [gb] Date 2012-10-21 22:38
Nevermind. Patch will be ready tomorrow.
Parent - - By Clonk-Karl [de] Date 2012-10-21 22:40
In planet/Objects.ocd/Items.ocd/Tools.ocd/Balloon.ocd/StringTblUS.txt you accidentally removed a line break in the patch that you just removed again ;)

As mentioned in the chat, please use Wordpad to modify RTF files so they don't grow ridiculously big in file size.
Parent - By Fluff [gb] Date 2012-10-22 18:07
Wordpad-use is what I'm doing now. Thanks for the heads up on the balloon thing too.
Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / Fluff's feedback: Number two.
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