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Up Topic Development / Developer's Corner / Autbobuilds stopped building
- - By Sven2 [de] Date 2013-03-22 21:41
We don't have dev snapshots any more. I had something committed so the build failed, which I think I fixed it in the current version. But the autobuilder stopped building for some reason :(
Parent - - By Isilkor Date 2013-03-23 03:06
it's clearly your fault, please don't commit anything that breaks the build again
Parent - By Sven2 [de] Date 2013-03-23 12:38
The autobuild isn't not broken no more, but the Dev Snapshots still aren't created.
Parent - - By Clonk-Karl [de] Date 2013-03-24 20:56
The download link does lead to a non-existing page:

links to

which is a 404.

Also, is the autobuild service under now? I'm still using in the snapshot script.
Parent - By Isilkor Date 2013-03-25 00:42 Edited 2013-03-25 00:46

> links to

Whoops. (The links on the overview page were correct though.)

> Also, is the autobuild service under now? I'm still using in the snapshot script.

That's fine, as long as your script understands 301/302 redirects it'll point at the correct location (whatever that may be in the future).
Parent - By Newton [de] Date 2013-03-23 13:20
Acknowledged. I'm on it.
Parent - By Newton [de] Date 2013-03-23 13:27
Will be fixed this evening.
Parent - - By Clonk-Karl [de] Date 2013-03-25 17:58
Also, the download page is broken:
Parent - By Newton [de] Date 2013-03-25 19:15
Parent - - By Pyrit Date 2013-03-25 18:38
And the 'Running internet games' section on the website doesn't show the games anymore.
Parent - By Newton [de] Date 2013-03-25 19:17
Parent - - By Sven2 [de] Date 2013-03-26 12:30
Interestingly, it looks like whenever the autobuild fails, new entries pointing to the build logs are created. But successful builds don't get a new snapshot :(
Parent - - By Isilkor Date 2013-03-26 15:50
I found out that this is because the release scripts hardcode the host name which to get the binary from, instead of using relative paths. I've added an alias to the webserver now so it should work again.
Parent - - By Clonk-Karl [de] Date 2013-03-26 17:10
Do you mean that since I got redirected to I should apply the relative path to that instead of[some relative path]?
Parent - By Isilkor Date 2013-03-26 22:23
Well the path returned from the page should be relative to the URL the page is at; I've no idea how feasible that is to do with urllib though so I've just added an alias to nginx.
Parent - - By Sven2 [de] Date 2013-06-24 14:19
The autobuilds are working, but no new dev snapshots are being created at the moment.
Parent - By Isilkor Date 2013-06-24 20:17
I have an idea why that is.
Parent - By Sven2 [de] Date 2013-07-05 12:38
Can someone create a dev snapshot for the latest autobuild? I pushed a fix for scenario sections in network games (and possibly some other issues, too), but the snapshooter seems to be broken again :(
Up Topic Development / Developer's Corner / Autbobuilds stopped building

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