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- - By Kekssideoflife [de] Date 2014-02-26 01:23
So, I came back to Clonk after playing tremendous amounts of Clonk Rage, Clonk Endeavour and Clonk Planet.
Let's start with some impressions of this new experience.
1. Options
The option menu is lacking. I fully understand that it's still in development (and may be for a very long while), but better configuration of graphics and such stuff is very desirable IMHO.
The ability to rebind every single key is great, no complaints here.
Things like interface size should be changeable, because on my 27" monitor it's pretty hard to see some descriptions or some other HUD elements.

2. Controls
Very different from older clonk versions, but way better. It may be a big overhaul for veteran players, but is needed for newer players. And since most keys are rebindable there should be no problems after you
have gotten used to the new controls.

3. Graphics
Wow. Just wow. I mean, in comparison to modern games it's still pretty dull, but that's fully understandable. But compared to older clonk games you made a beautiful job.
The ingame models mostly look very nice. But whilst the tutorial maps look mostly gorgeous, some worlds look very cramped and some texture's distinguish themselves not enough from the background.
But still, respect!

4. Sound
Not much to hear by now. No real soundtrack so far and there aren't any animals or things like that which could be heard. But chopping dem' trees und digging around sounds pretty nice.

5. Gameplay
Couldn't test it out that much, but I had great fun with what I had. Still gotta try to build a big city (maybe a bit hard with the amount of buildings that are available) but so far the parkours and building sequences are
very enjoyable. But very important things like magic (Etagenkampf :3), sci-fi and others are still completly missing. I'd like to see them asap.

IMO the inventory is a bit small which makes it hard to carry all sufficient tools and still be able to carry some different stuff. And putting things into chests and back in your inventory, especially if it's a bit more than usual takes some time. Things like quick unloading would be very desirable.

Greetz, Kekssideoflife
Parent - - By Maikel Date 2014-02-26 10:28
Thanks for the mostly positive feedback!

You can reduce the resolution to make the HUD bigger, I guess. On the Controls branch Zapper is working on a better HUD and ingame menus, maybe/probably also implementing that they scale with screen size.

Also the controls will receive one more overhaul, probably even for the better, especially allowing faster combat. You can join testing them at a later point in time if you want, feedback there is absolutely crucial.

The number of inventory slots is limited for a reason and will be reduced to 5 in the next version probably. We want the player to take decisions on what he finds important to bring with him. Also otherwise if you have played this cavern parkour: there the first player can empty a whole chest with his inventory slots and have all the tools (probably winning the round). This would be boring gameplay in my opinion. Also in a future version more attention will be put on carry-heavy objects, so that only the tools/weapons remain in your inventory.
Parent - By Kekssideoflife [de] Date 2014-02-26 10:54
I'd love to help you out with the testing! :)

Yeah, sounds reasonable. I've read about it last evening or so and it sounded pretty reliable, we'll see how it works out I guess.
Parent - - By Zapper [de] Date 2014-02-26 10:59
Thanks for the feedback :D

First my dearest point:

> sci-fi and others are still completly missing


>but better configuration of graphics and such stuff is very desirable IMHO

Mh, I think we just don't have that much stuff to configure. Do you have anything special in mind?

>Things like interface size should be changeable, because on my 27" monitor it's pretty hard to see some descriptions or some other HUD elements.

As Maikel said, there is work going on to help with that. GUI elements will scale with font size and if you have trouble reading the descriptions, you would probably increase the font size and thus increase the size of the GUI elements, too

>some worlds look very cramped and some texture's distinguish themselves not enough from the background

True. At some point we had a motivated team that wanted to change that, but unfortunately there has not been anything done lately :(

>And putting things into chests and back in your inventory, especially if it's a bit more than usual takes some time. Things like quick unloading would be very desirable.

I hope that will be better in one of the next major versions!
Parent - - By Kekssideoflife [de] Date 2014-02-26 11:33
*heavy breathing* sciiiiii fiiiii
Next time invite me for testing this stuff! :D

Regarding the configuration of graphics:
- Gamma
- Maybe a colorblind mode
- Vsync, or alternatively the ability to cap the max. framerate at 60 or similiar
- changeable texture quality (for example water)
- maybe bloom effects?
Just some thigns that popped up my mind. Nothing crucial, but still very nice to see (especially in an indie-game)

Well that could be a solution, I will try it out this afternoon.

Well, nothing you can do about that :/ I'd try to help, but my skills in these regards are trash :D

I hope so too!

And one important thing (atleast for me)
Though I got an excellent gaming machine, Clonk still lags for me. Not only ingame, even the menues. The first time I started it everything was smooth, and the tutorials worked without problems. But now everything stutters; the cursor, the animations.
nVidia GTX 770
Intel Core i7 3770
27" monitor

Ingame settings:
AA: 32x
Effects: Full
High quality landscape: on
32bit 1920x1080

Thanks for the help in advance :)

PS You are from Berlin aswell? :D
Parent - - By Maikel Date 2014-02-26 11:46
Don't know why the menu's lag, but turn AA to 4x at most. 32 is not necessary and the game lags with high AA and lots of trees even on the best video cards (for a still unknown reason)

What do you mean with stuttering? also low FPS displayed in the HUD?
Parent - - By Kekssideoflife [de] Date 2014-02-26 11:58
Well, somehow it's capped at 38fps.
It's the same fps no matter if I have AA off or 32x AA, if everything burns or I am in the menu's.

Is that intended?

Just a thing that crossed my mind: how about if you make screenshots ingame they will be automatically saved in the game's folder somewhere.
Parent - - By Maikel Date 2014-02-26 12:17
Oh, you are too used to commercial games and shooters I guess. It is indeed capped at 38 FPS, which is also the speed for keyboard inputs and other control events.

So there is no difference between the game speed and the graphics speed, which is an "artefact" from the old clonk series.

I was already wondering why you GTX 770 was not able to do 32x AA, if you really want to test your hardware you can spawn a few hundred trees if you want!

F9 will make a screenshot and store it in the application data folder, there is also your player profile
If you press enter and /type screenshot X and wait a bit, where X = the zoom level (choose X wisely between 1 and 10, my video card crashes at 16 or so) and you get a screen shot of the full map.
Parent - By Zapper [de] Date 2014-02-26 12:21

>if you really want to test your hardware you can spawn a few hundred trees if you want!

..or play the nice scenario OneMillionParticles.ocs ;)
Parent - By Kekssideoflife [de] Date 2014-02-26 12:22
That may be the case. :D

Well, it is still laggy with AA, even with 8x. It is pretty hard to describe. Fraps shows 38 fps, but it is very clearly seeable that 32x AA (and even 4x AA) is way more stuttering than off. same with some other parameters.
If you like I can make a video with fraps, to better show what I do mean.

Oh, why not the default "print" button? Well either way it's fine.
Parent - - By Zapper [de] Date 2014-02-26 12:21

>Regarding the configuration of graphics:

Yeah, ok. Some of those things are features we just don't have at the moment :D
If someone would implement bloom or something like that, I am sure we'd make that an option ;)

>- Vsync, or alternatively the ability to cap the max. framerate at 60 or similiar

The thing that you already noticed is that the frame-rate is capped at 38FPS anyway, because the Clonk physics simulation only simulates that fast (one step per frame) - if you had 228FPS, every 6 frames in a row would be the same image!
The way Clonk handles physics etc. differs a bit from the way modern shooters do it. In Clonk it just wouldn't make sense to turn the rendering above 38FPS, because you would have nothing new to see (and we can't simulate half frames like shooters can).

>- changeable texture quality (for example water)

The current textures are the best we have anyway :D

>PS You are from Berlin aswell? :D

Parent - By Kekssideoflife [de] Date 2014-02-26 12:27
Yeah, just some hints for the future. Fully understandable that things like these need time, money and more important people who are doing it.

Makes sense, seems like I have to get used to it.

But still it would be nice to lower the quality. I can only imagine that the tree's for example are very resource-heavy (in comparison to other models) and thus may need to be lowered.
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