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Up Topic General / Help and Questions / Eisenberg - target shifts away
- - By Anonymous [de] Date 2014-08-22 19:58
I'm currently playing the Eisenberg (Iron Mountain) Scenario and the amount of iron I need to melt to hit the goal keeps increasing.

As I don't consume Iron (I don't construct anything at this point in game) its just that after a while I have to do some more.
Now I have mined all iron from the mountain that I could find and still have 6 Steel left to finish the round.
Is this a time limit / intentional? If so the description should have said so.
If not, how can I turn this off?
Parent - - By Maikel Date 2014-08-22 21:31
Are you playing the release version?

I'll have a look tomorrow and try to reproduce your problems, for the snapshot the goal has changed.
Parent - By Anonymous [de] Date 2014-08-23 08:32
Yes, I'm playing the release version (from debian aptitude).
Parent - - By Maikel Date 2014-08-23 08:15
It seems that you still have 6 chunks of ore lying somewhere around in the landscape. I tested the goal here and there is nothing strange happening.

By the way, in the next release the goal of this round will be to build a number of flagpoles and only to produce 20 bars of metal.
Parent - - By Anonymous [de] Date 2014-08-23 08:33
I'll search for them.

Can I transmit a savegame somehow? I have one where I have 21 left and in the two minutes after loading it increases to 25 then after another minute to 26
Parent - By Maikel Date 2014-08-23 08:47
Hm, that is strange, yes you can find the savegame in the application data directory.
Parent - - By Maikel Date 2014-08-23 08:50
Actually looking at the script again, I think that this goal is broken when using save games :(
Parent - - By Anonymous [de] Date 2014-09-01 19:01
Thats a relive. I had searched the whole map but didn't find any more ores and thought I had accidentally thrown them off the map. (As a sidenote: It took me many hours to mine that whole mountain, do you guys play this game hours at once without ever saving or am I just that novice?)
Parent - By Maikel Date 2014-09-01 21:01
No and yes, I think that round you can finish in 1.5 hours easily, but this round is not played that much due to its boring goal. So I now changed it, so that you can finish the round in 40 minutes to an hour, without too many repetitive tasks.
Parent - By Der Mor [de] Date 2014-09-01 19:05
btw. I just made a user account to get notified of changes here.
- - By Der Mor [de] Date 2014-09-02 18:56

Scenario thoughts

This was the first scenario I played through.
After having played this scenario quite long (which may be due to me being novice) I can say that it turned out quite fun if you like digging a lot (I do).
I play alone and that was sometimes a big obstacle as I got one clonk trapped somewhere unpleasant (clonk is locked and can't free himself, needs to be dug out again) and I needed to get the other clonk to this exact place with the appropriate equipment. If I had a second player that would have been nicer.

My approach was to have my stuff all at the top of the mountain. An approach I wouldn't recommend and won't use again. At least the melting hut should be at the very bottom of that thing.

The day/night cycle was annoying as it was dark it the first place and got worse at night.
While the target might be dull but it was something straight forward and the reason I chose this scenario as my first: Objective is simple the rest is training.

Also I was promised earthquakes from the description but none happened.


Turn off day/night cycle.
Start the scenario with a basic town (sawmill, workshop, melter, windmill) already in place.
Make the bottom of the map water left and right of the mountain, solid underneath. For me it added nothing to it that I could fall off as I was working inside all the time anyway. That way one can't accidentally throw off an iron ore together with lumps of stone that need disposing.
Parent - By Maikel Date 2014-09-03 21:47
Thanks for all the feedback, I will have a look next week to see what can be used in the current version.
Up Topic General / Help and Questions / Eisenberg - target shifts away

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