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Up Topic General / Help and Questions / Is there a way to get a clonk unstuck in narrow space?
- - By Cairn [us] Date 2015-05-18 10:25
I was mining, and I crawled into this space to get a rock, but now I can't get out. The two walls I'm sandwiched between are dark wall, and I don't have any explosives on me, just my pick. I was hoping there is a way, maybe a debug command that will get me unstuck.
Parent - By Maikel Date 2015-05-18 11:28
Can you post a screenshot, so that we can try to fix this in the future.

You can try /script GetCursor()->SetPosition(500, 500) and try around until you find the right coordinates.
If you are not the first player try GetCursor(n) for the nth player. GetCursor()->GetX() and GetCursor()->GetY() can give the current (X,Y) coordinates.
Parent - - By Sven2 Date 2015-05-18 11:31
You can start as a network savegame and use /script. Like /script GetCursor(0)->CreateContents(Dynamite) or /script GetCursor(0)->SetPosition(123,456) to relocate the clonk to new coordinates.

But I think if you start cheating like that, it will ruin the game pretty quickly.

Or you can start in editor mode (Command line --editor) and just drag your clonk around.

In most scenarios, you can also just surrender (player menu) and join a new player. Though in some rounds you might lose base ownership that way.
Parent - By Cairn [us] Date 2015-05-18 12:23
Thank you
Up Topic General / Help and Questions / Is there a way to get a clonk unstuck in narrow space?

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