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Up Topic Community / Player Creations / EkeReloaded
- - By vagner Date 2015-09-19 21:35
Hello everyone.
I talked with Mirosch , and he gave me the permission to import and publish Ekereloaded in openclonk.
I imported the Stipeel and mutations, and now i am working on ekereload weapons. I changed the scripts from objects, and the weapons are working fine, But i need 3d weapons.
Can someone do 3d weapons to this  pack?
What weapons the pack need:
- Pistol
- Uzi
- Shotgun
- Assault Rifle
- Flametrower
- Rocket Launcher

I count with you!
Parent - - By Mupf [de] Date 2015-09-20 17:19
Doesn't Mirosch still have the 3d models he used to make the title.pngs for these objects? Did you ask him?
Parent - - By vagner Date 2015-09-20 19:59
He are in a trip, but he will back next week. He will give to me pictures in High Definitons, but i didn't asked about 3d object. He are without time to working in this project, but will help me with the pictures like in the old mode, but to the weapons i think i will need 3d objects.
Parent - By Mupf Date 2015-09-21 12:07
Ok. You should still ask if he has the 3d models, that would save much work.
Also for the other objects like buildings or vehicles!
- By vagner [br] Date 2015-09-24 02:02
Invisible FlameThrower:
Up Topic Community / Player Creations / EkeReloaded

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