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Up Topic Development / Art Workshop / [Models]Construction kit , Anvil, Sledgehammer.
- - By Ratinod [ru] Date 2010-12-10 18:14
I want to help the project.


Construction Kit:



I will take any criticism.
Very much forward to the generated island with the possibility of building structures and processing resources.
Parent - By Ringwaul [ca] Date 2010-12-10 22:00
Hey, good to see some more enthusiasm to help out the project on the art side.

The models you created seem to be inspired from CR (which is the same thing I did at first :D), but as the game mechanics for combat are not the same as CR, neither are they strictly similar in the settlement aspect.

There is this old concept which we have already taken many ideas from, perhaps you can rough out some sketches for some settlement structures (what we'll be focusing on next) and see how the community reacts to them. You also will want to take a look at some of the structures in our resource repository so as to create structures that match our current style (roughly hewn wood, haphazardly nailed together, etc.)
Up Topic Development / Art Workshop / [Models]Construction kit , Anvil, Sledgehammer.

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