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Up Topic Development / Developer's Corner / Obsolete: Parts of AddMenuItem
- - By Günther [de] Date 2011-02-05 11:14
This 260-lines-function with half a dozen string buffers does all kinds of stuff, and a lot of it is just backwards compatibility with Clonk 4 or so. Can somebody check what's still needed (just look at the docs and the usages in the planet folder) and propose a saner API?
Parent - By Zapper [de] Date 2011-02-05 11:56
What always bothered me was that you cannot specify a custom "footer" for the menues (gold/manacost/components).

PS: We will need more complex menus at some point anyway (content handling, multiple open menus) - so if anyone feels motivated to do that... :)
Parent - By Sven2 [de] Date 2011-02-05 15:28
A lot of the parameters just control the menu item symbol. I propose we change the first parameter to be flexible enough to define the symbol in a standard way - e.g. using the ImageSpecs also used elsewhere.
Parent - - By PeterW [de] Date 2011-02-13 14:09
Hm, couldn't we change it to something proplist-based? That would naturally deal with all the optional stuff menus can currently have.
Parent - By Günther [de] Date 2011-02-13 15:00
Sure. We can make AddMenuItem take a proplist, or we could even make every menu item be a proplist. Somebody still has to write up how the API should look like :-)
Up Topic Development / Developer's Corner / Obsolete: Parts of AddMenuItem

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