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Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / [Game Mode Concept] Delivery
- - By Ringwaul [ca] Date 2011-05-15 02:25
Here is a game concept I thought of a short time ago,


Each team possesses crates they must deliver to a recipient (smth like a Hermit in the mountains, within a sky island, deep down near bedrock).
The first team to deliver all their crates to the Hermit wins.

Each team starts with 1 crate each. After each delivery, they receive another crate to deliver.
If a team loses a crate (it becomes stuck, falls into lava, is otherwise lost) they can return to their base to request a new crate for a cash penalty.
Maps will be more-or-less mirrored with the Hermit in the centre. There should be asymmetry however, ie: paths going through the enemy team's side of the map to encourage battle.
Maps should be fairly difficult to traverse; the only flat area where the crate can be easily pushed around should be at the main base of each team. Imagine terrain with sharp mesas, lakes, and cliffsides.
Crate delivery should be possible via airship, however, the hermit should not be in so simple an area that can be reached simply by flying directly to him.
Crates should not be deliverable via the Clonkonaut's cable-transport system. Once the player had a path in place he could deliver all his crates within seconds, so that's a no-go.

Feel free to post suggestions/critiques!
Parent - By Zapper [de] Date 2011-05-15 08:20
The goal is to have a racing scenario that takes advantages of all the settlement stuff in OpenClonk, right?

I like the idea. The only problems I can see is that it sounds like it needs at least three players per side - and, that it might end in a pure melee where every side tries to sabotage the enemies' transportation route (without advancing the own route).

But I still like it.
Parent - By MimmoO Date 2011-05-15 15:12
i really like the idea. There could be also modifiers which increase the difficulty as the game goes on:

the first package could be a very small one, something the clonk can carry in his backpack, so the player can explore the route without much trouble for the first time.
then, the packages get harder and harder to transport: they get bigger, maybe heavier, or get fragile - if they fall from a great height, they break.
Parent - - By Clonkonaut [de] Date 2011-05-16 13:43
It sure sounds interesting and I clearly can imagine a scenario because there are some similar ones in CR. But I don't think the concept fits to more than one scenario because of all the necessary design demands you've mentioned (mirrored landscape, mountain in the middle, not reachable with blimp <- I would forbid blimps at all), the resulting scenarios will look more or less the same. You wouldn't feel any significant difference.
Parent - By PeterW [gb] Date 2011-05-16 14:58
Well, it would obviously be somewhat competitive. As that means that enemies might be running around with bows, I don't really see why airships would be a problem.

At least as long they can't just fly high over everything and drop the crate onto the hermit from orbit.
Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / [Game Mode Concept] Delivery

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