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Up Topic Development / Art Workshop / [Model] Farmer Clonk
- - By Ringwaul [ca] Date 2011-10-08 05:10
I had this model for a week or so, and finally got the time to texture it. Presumably the pants will be player colour. C&C appreciated
Parent - - By Newton [de] Date 2011-10-08 09:31


Command and Conquer?
Parent - By Ringwaul [ca] Date 2011-10-08 12:39
"Comments and criticism"
Parent - - By Fluff [gb] Date 2011-10-08 14:29
I'd expect a clonk that works in the fields all day to have a bit more of a tan than that.
Parent - By Ringwaul [ca] Date 2011-10-08 14:31
Yeah, when I imported it into the blend file with the other clonks I noticed how pale she looked. I've already addressed that. :]
Parent - - By Newton [de] Date 2011-10-08 15:13
I don't like the face, again too adult IMO.

Also, the size of the head doesn't fit to the rest of the body, at least if we don't want to go towards a "chibi"-style. I mean, it's as big as the whole upper body! You don't necessarily need to make the head smaller, you could give the body more... shape. She could really gain some weight, now it looks like just flesh and bones.

Edit: How about a straw hat?
Parent - - By Ringwaul [ca] Date 2011-10-08 15:25

>I don't like the face, again too adult IMO.

Hmm, don't really know what I would change here. Maybe add some blush? That may backfire, though...

>Also, the size of the head doesn't fit to the rest of the body,

Hmm, it's actually smaller than the steampunk clonk's head. Maybe you are seeing the headscarf as part of the head?

>She could really gain some weight, now it looks like just flesh and bones.

It must be a weird angle, because her body is as wide as her head (same as the other clonks). I'll try to fix that now.
Parent - - By Newton [de] Date 2011-10-08 15:35

> Hmm, don't really know what I would change here. Maybe add some blush? That may backfire, though...

I played around in gimp and I think its mostly because of two things:
+ the predominant cheek bones, she has no cheeks. Try to make the face more round
+ the tiny mouth (and earnest look, how about at least a slight smile?)
Parent - - By Ringwaul [ca] Date 2011-10-08 15:55
Ok, made some changes:
Parent - - By Newton [de] Date 2011-10-08 16:52
Face looks much better now!  The straw hat didn't fit?
Parent - - By Ringwaul [ca] Date 2011-10-08 16:59
Ah, forgot to mention: I figured since she was already wearing a head-scarf, a straw hat might look weird on top; I can replace the headscarf but it would take a lot of work fixing the hair and mesh. Otherwise I can just put a straw hat on top.
Parent - By Newton [de] Date 2011-10-08 17:12
I am just curious how it would look, don't know myself if that is at all cool.
Parent - - By boni [at] Date 2011-10-10 17:14
We should just implement hats. Would also allow us to steal people from Valves games!
Parent - By Nachtfalter [de] Date 2011-10-11 05:03
Parent - By dylanstrategie [fr] Date 2011-10-09 13:38
We should also do a male Farmer Clonk (and the same for all other Clonk types ? Men and Womens)
Up Topic Development / Art Workshop / [Model] Farmer Clonk

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