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Up Topic Development / Developer's Corner / Can not find X11_LIBRARIES when using cmake
- - By AlteredARMOR [ua] Date 2011-10-10 20:17
Hello, guys.
Trying to compile latest sources on LInux (Ubuntu) using CMake and get the following output after executing cmake . command:

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:1227 (include):
  include could not find load file:


CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:
    linked by target "clonk" in directory /home/sad/apps/openclonk
    linked by target "clonk" in directory /home/sad/apps/openclonk

First error relates to include(FindGTest) line in CMakeLists.txt file. Can anyone give a hint to where this FindGTest file can be found?

My interest lies in the second error. I have certainly installed ALL the depencies mentioned in README.linux file but it seems to still be not enough. Any help with that?

Parent - - By Caesar [de] Date 2011-10-11 12:15
I wonder if you have /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindGTest.cmake and /usr/include/X11/X.h (just assuming your Ubuntu is similar to mine.)
Those Files come with cmake-data and x11proto-core-dev, so maybe you could reinstall those?
Parent - - By AlteredARMOR [ua] Date 2011-10-11 20:10
Thanks for the help, Caesar.

The problem with X11 was in the file /usr/include/X11/XLib.h which on MY system was located at /usr/X11R6/include/XLib.h. A simple symbolic link did the trick.
Also the deletion of CMakeCache.txt was needed as Günther sugested below.

As for the problem with FindGTest - it lies in the fact that I am using CMake 2.6.0 whereas Google Testing Framework support was added in version 2.7 or such. Will install latest CMake 2.8 to see if this solves the problem.
Parent - - By Caesar [de] Date 2011-10-11 20:34
Regarding that and that debian stale now provides CMake 2.8.2, I'd set the Version requirement to 2.8. Or does anyone still have an oldstable cmake and wants to fix that?
Parent - By AlteredARMOR [ua] Date 2011-10-11 20:40
Stopped at Ubuntu 8.10 since newer versions do not include drivers for my Radeon 1100
Keep wondering how OC even RUNS on such an old system...
Parent - - By Günther [de] Date 2011-10-12 00:02 Edited 2011-10-12 00:05

> /usr/X11R6/include/XLib.h

Wow, that's ancient. But the tricks to making that work should still be present in CMake. I'd recommend trying a newer Debian release, though. The radeon driver ought to still work.

The google testing stuff is optional, so any non-fatal complaining about it is harmless.
Parent - - By Caesar [de] Date 2011-10-12 12:24
Not finding the module is fatal.
Parent - - By AlteredARMOR [ua] Date 2011-10-12 20:24
CMake 2.8.6 also states that there's an error in not abling to find Google Test file but (unlike CMake 2.6.0) it does not consider it fatal and allows to compile.
Parent - By Caesar [de] Date 2011-10-12 20:56
Oh, interesting.
Parent - - By Günther [de] Date 2011-10-11 13:56
Remove the CMakeCache.txt and try again. Apparently CMake remembers not finding the X11 libraries too well or something. There's probably some workaround we could apply to our CMakeLists.txt, but that's lots of work for little gain.
Parent - By AlteredARMOR [ua] Date 2011-10-11 20:22
Thanks, Günther

Removing of CMakeCache.txt was indeed necessary in order for CMake to relocate X11 headers after I created a link to files Caesar stated to be necessary.

Any workaround for this specific problem will be an overkill for different systems have a habbit to store exaclty the same files in slightly different locations. Manual fixes (like the one I had to apply) are the best solution for these kind of problems (which, by the way will only happen to people who compile OC from sources - who should be competent enough to know how to do it).
Up Topic Development / Developer's Corner / Can not find X11_LIBRARIES when using cmake

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