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Up Topic Airplane - Its use in game

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In Response to Ringwaul
When I first created the airplane, it was my intention that it would fit alongside the blimp as a 'fighter plane' while the blimp is the 'bomber'.

There are a few aspects that were changed with the airplane that do not fit into the scheme of a 'full game'. The machine-gun-like in the plane will make airplanes utterly dominate blimps in every conceivable situation. While planes are definitely meant to be an anti-blimp vehicle, having them always win against blimps with absolutely no chance of defending is too much.

While the different weapon system is interesting in theory, this is over-exerting the plane's function. Shooting rockets from a plane will allow the plane to become a bomber, thereby removing the intended function of a blimp as a bomber. Though the rockets can be used for air-vs-air defense, this is also redundant with the musket in the plane.

Usage of bullets instead of lead-shot; I also find this unnecessary. Lead shot will be cheap enough to get, so we don't really need something cheaper than that. Lead-shots should be also taken from the clonk's inventory, not the plane's contents so as to stay consistent with the cannon.

Bearing this in mind, I hope no one minds that I change the airplane back to the previous version. While some of these features are interesting, I find they will undoubtedly cause the plane to be overpowered.

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