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In Response to Günther

> -        takebreath = 100 * takebreath / C4MaxPhysical;

C4MaxPhysical is significantly larger than 100, so you're making the filling of breath a lot faster here. I don't know whether that's a good idea, so I just want to make sure that this is intended. Also, an object is an it in English ;-)


> -  swordman.MaxEnergy = 60000;
> -  swordman->DoEnergy(10);
> +  swordman->SetMaxEnergy(60000);

SetMaxEnergy won't fill up missing energy, only remove excess energy. That either needs to change, or the DoEnergy call here needs to remain. Hm, doing NewEnergy = NewMaxEnergy * GetEnergy() / OldMaxEnergy; SetEnergy(NewEnergy); instead of DoEnergy(0) would take care of both problems with SetMaxEnergy :-)

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