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Up Topic Heres an idea for openclonk 2010

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In Response to Zapper

>Knowing that somewhere on the model are holes would really bug me

"Holes" in models (spots where you can see what is behind) is exactly the same as alpha transparency in 2D art.

>since two of these models couldn't have exactly same-positioned faces because it would cause flickering

No, that is not how rendering of more than one object in Clonk works. Additionally you can always have the interior model smaller than the surface - and actually the inner structure should be inside anyway.

>Besides, just rendering a different area of an image definitely is less CPU-consuming than looping through all polygons, removing or reshaping them and adjusting texture coordinates. That is, unless there is a GPU function that does this, but I don't know of it, and it's still a slowdown anyway.

Since that is one of the most important function, you can be quite sure that it is hardware-accelerated, yes.

>Yeah, I know, but I prefer hand-drawn stuff anyway, and to be honest I was initially hoping that OC would have everything hand-drawn(but since I'm not a skilled artist, I didn't have much to say). :p

Well, I kind of knew that, since all your arguments are "omg 3d sucks" ;P

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