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Up Topic My fourth clonk game, and i still love it

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In Response to Railon
My first gaming endeavours as a 10 year old was Clonk planet. Me and my friend got my dad to buy it and we almost shat our pants of exitement, but the "lobby" and things sucked so hard, but if i´m not wrong it was inproved in endeavour. Anyway, me and my friend playid et so much we could and did almost never get bored, we were even happier by Rage when multiplayer finally went real. But the years went by and we got bored by CR, and some days ago, my friend found OC! We spread it to our friends and we have started to play it a bit, we laugh our asses of sometimes by what happens, like when using the grappling hook for the first time.
I think you did really great by improving the a bit complicated controls into a easy to manage system. It still need some improvements like the chest system and the two main slots, i agree with Matthias about that.
I also miss the settlement mode like Sweatpants do and i think that with this new system you can make it more flexible and not as stiff as spamming buildings all over.
The maps are really fun, but it´s not so many maps, and it ends with only meele in the end. The overcast is the map we are playing right now because of the magic, but i think the array of items is a bit to short
though and i really hope that the magic system also expands.
The biggest problem all the clonk games has is the internet gameplay, somehow, it almost always gets laggy at some point, always, whatever you do, it gets slow or laggy

My ideas of improvement is:
-A multi-function button, like the scroll wheel. maybe for putting items from the chest directly into the backpack? Och activating switches or levers directly?
-More gamemodes/being able to choose victory conditions in meele, etc. I think it would be fun to play games like Regicide, Lamers, Stippel Hunt or Zombiewars in OC, or maybe a survival map, if AI is available? It would be great too if you could choose wich weapons you should use in the melee-maps, and enable/disable some stationare weapons like a cannon
-More items like weapons and tools if Settlement/Civilisation comes available. Maybe another pushing weapon like the jar of winds do, but you could shoot it and it then blasts (maybe an airzooka?), like the kings arrows explodes.
Altso, if you make an multi-function button, you maybe could make special funktions for weapons, like overloading the jar of winds and then makes it throwable, or making harder but slower swings on the melee weapons, making the battles more challenging.
-Contraptions, like the redstone in minecraft and the wire in earlier clonks, making it possible to build traps and oter fun mechanics, maybe making a firestone drop on someone stepping on a hidden switch or maybe detonating a dynamite pack

And now to some bugs, because i didn´t find a place to report them.

- I´m running on Windows Ultimate x64, and if i enable high resolution landscapes, it disappears, i only see some grass and the background.
- If i have the musket in one slot and the shield in the other (and use them as normal items),  the movement speed reduces when i reload, (meaning, nothing changes) but if i start reloading and then use the shield, i can walk at normal speed, but i can´t shoot earlier.
- I can stand on somebody elses shield when he uses it and looks up.

Oh, and i forgot one important thing, the praisings!

I think this game is great fun and probably the best of them all! The tutorial is good and i love the new way of the clonk as a whole, this game feels like a successful combination of Clonk Rage and Clonk Extreme. I thank the people  that have spent time on this work and shared it with everybody for free. Creds to you all!


Matthias post:
Sweatpants Post:

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