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In Response to Sweatpants
My idea that i had originally wrote in feedback and suggestions would be adding a evolution mode, you get resources and experience points to upgrade your facilities, or as people have said, clonks.  My idea would be not to add clonks, but instead add robots or something. As you your clonk gets more and more experience he gets to the point where he makes contraptions specifically do one job, such as cut trees to get wood or even make a robot that simply uses a drill to dig out earth or gold w/e.  The game would be based on simply upgrading your machines so that it would be easier to get money/experience so that you can work your way up to the final era where you will probably run out of resources in your area, and to be able to get to more resources you would have to invade other clonks civilizations, how i am picturing this would be something like warcraft 3 with it's other strongholds, and as they run out of resources they have to get to the other civilizations inhabiting their world and destroy them so they can inherit their resources.  This would make clonk settlement mode into something like a strategy game like starcraft or warcraft. This will make the game start off with a settlement mode, and then will come to the point where it's pvp mode, but this time you can construct robots that will begin killing each other, digging underneath enemy bases, to get behind the base to let the combat robots or combot clonks w/e get behind enemy base and attack easier, and the person you could be attacking is constructing defence robots or clonks that defend the base or block off the hole that you just made.  I personally think that would be interesting, it would make clonk a competitive and a one-of-a-kind type game.

If that is not something you want to make clonk into, i am not really sure what other direction it can go, there is not a lot of creative freedom when it comes to settlement mode.  When i had posted my previous thread almost a month ago, one of the people replied and had said that the clonk community makes their own game modes, and that is what made clonk into what it is today.  So maybe adding a way to play on any type of game mode that gets uploaded to a clonk website without having to go on the clonk modding database. This would be another way to make this game really fun.

If it seems like I'm preaching my idea a little to much, i am sorry :D

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