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In Response to bahamada
Sorry for the sarcasm ;)

To make the point... .Net is a Framework that provides several libraries for a wide area of usage for example as you mentioned a SQL driver...
You can development with/for .Net with several languages (e.g. Java, C#, VB, F#, C and so on)

So what could be the usage of the .Net framework for OC? The most of the libraries there wouldn't make sence in the context of Clonk.

In OC we have already something like a framework, some of the libs are implemented in the engine, some are in the System.c4g? (Not sure about this but the engine devs should know that in detail)

So to I just try to guess what you meant:

You want to script with a language (e.g. C#) that belongs to the .Net framework.
Basically I think thats a good idea... The other side is that there are many language constructs that needed to implemented by the interpreter and therefore it would be too much overhead, but basically that would be a great thing.

What I also dislike is the syntax of the C4Script, but thats only my personal opinion. Coding style, conventions and syntax can be a very subjective thing.

So without going to far offtopic. A good starting point would be to make the interpreter generic, so that in future OC can be extended with other interpreters for other languages. In Java this is relaized with this.

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